Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Anxiety Of Asian American Immigrant Children Essay

Background and Significance Currently, 21.4% of youth aged 13-18 and 13% of children aged 8-15 experience significant mental health problems in the U.S. (National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). Also, mental health problems are currently extremely stigmatizing in most Asian cultures, and compared to Caucasians, Asian Americans exhibit significantly high levels of mental health problems (Young et al., 2010). In general, depressive symptoms are associated with major developmental impairments that may persist a child’s later life. Thus, experiencing various stressors of Asian American immigrant children during their before and after immigration processes impact their psychological well-being. According to acculturation theory (Berry et al., 1987), the psychological experience of adapting to a new culture becomes manifested as acculturative stress for children. Acculturation theory identifies how immigrant children’s mental development is hindered as a result of acculturation stress. Acculturation stress that directly results from the acculturative process can appear as mental health problems. Since culture may influence an immigrant child throughout his or her entire life, reducing acculturative stress is important for them to live in the new home country. Understanding the role of acculturation in the lives of immigrants is an essential component to understanding the overall mental health of Asian American immigrant children. However, having mental health problem and itsShow MoreRelatedMental Health : A Growing Concern Within The Indian American Communities1380 Words   |  6 Pages Mental health problems are a growing concern within the Indian American communities in the United States. First generation born Indian Americans are experiencing mental health concerns far greater than the generation before them. What are the causes of this rise in mental health issues? Mental health issues are not foreign to any ethnic or racial group. 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